Our Impact
On The Rise’s work begins with individuals experiencing homelessness, and continues if and when they secure housing. From our origin as a women’s organization, our programs have evolved toward inclusion of those historically and structurally oppressed on the basis of gender.
For those with the fewest options, we cultivate long-term relationships that foster safety and belonging. Guided by the strength and initiative of our program participants, we join their journey to wellbeing, as skilled partners and advocates.
Throughout this journey, we engage with the people, programs and systems that most affect our participants, working to build a society that nourishes their wellbeing.
“When I first came to On The Rise I was fleeing from a domestic violence relationship. I was emotionally and mentally drained and very isolated. Today, I am no longer a defeated woman. I know now that I have choices and that I can have victory over the challenges we all have in life.”
On The Rise was founded on the idea that dependable relationships catalyze healing and transformation. We commit to relationships with chronically homeless women and transgender/non-binary people that are long-term and relevant to their entire life experience. Our programmatic model is effective at truly reaching and helping homeless individuals because it offers a long-term relational approach that focuses on the whole person. From the most tangible needs, to deep, meaningful relational support, On The Rise helps around 450 program participants each year.
Survive Today
Each day, an average of 24 participants access breakfast, lunch, clothing, showers, computers phones, mail, laundry, quiet space, and when appropriate cash or gift cards to address a specific need.
Respond to Crises
Each year, On The Rise staff respond to over 200 requests to help participants find emergency shelter, receive immediate medical attention, and create a safety plan.
Resolve Challenges
Each year, over 170 participants annually work with our staff to resolve at least one major challenge (not including housing/shelter): such as moving out of an abusive household, staying on a medication treatment program, accessing health care, maintaining sobriety, bringing an abuser to justice, clearing up an outstanding warrant, or reuniting with their children/family.
Move Home
In 2023, On The Rise helped 29 new program participants secure housing, despite the ongoing challenge of the lack of affordable rental housing in the Greater Boston Area.
Keep The Keys
Hundreds of On The Rise participants have moved into housing since the Keep The Keys Program launched in 2008; 92% of those who have found housing and stayed connected with On The Rise during the last three years are still housed today.
Community Collaborators
CAB HART--Cambridge Arlington Belmont High Risk Assessment and Response Team
Cambridge Healthcare for the Homeless
Cambridge Police Department--Homeless Outreach Team
Cambridge Multidisciplinary Street Outreach Team
Heading Home
Cambridge YWCA
Baycove--First Step Outreach Team & CASPAR Emergency Shelter
Full Frame Initiative--Boston Network members
Pine Street Inn - Mission Housed program